
University Calendar

Thursday, October 7.

PRESENTATION OF THE DELEGATES, in the order of the Foundation of their Institutions, to the Governing Boards and Faculties of Harvard University. Sanders Theatre, 10 A.M.

Brief addresses will be made by a Representative of the Delegates from Foreign Institutions and by a Representative of the Delegates from Institutions in the United States.

Delegates will assemble in the dining hall of Memorial Hall at 9.30 A.M. and proceed to Sanders Theatre.

The President and Fellows, Board of Overseers, and Faculties will take their places on the platform of Sanders Theatre before 9.45 A.M.


Delegates bringing addresses may hand them to the President at the time of Presentation.

A coat-room will be provided in Memorial Hall.

Delegates will be furnished with tickets for persons accompanying them.

This meeting will be open to Officers of Instruction and Government, Alumni, and Students of the University, and friends accompanying them. The doors will be closed at 9.45 A.M.

After the ceremony, Delegates, Guests, and Alumni desiring to be conducted through the University grounds and buildings, or to visit particular departments or laboratories, will be furnished with guides.

LUNCHEON given by the Harvard Club of Boston for its members and for visiting Alumni. Colonial Club, Quincy street, Cambridge, 1 P.M.

Alumni who are visiting the University will be welcome without further invitation.

A RECEPTION AND LUNCHEON given by the President and Mrs. Lowell for the Delegates and Members of Faculties. Faculty Room, University Hall, 1.30 P.M.

Invitations will await Delegates upon their arrival.

After the Luncheon an opportunity will be given to visit the more distant departments of the University.
