
Track Candidates Met Last Night

A meeting of the candidates for the University track team was held last evening in the Assembly Room of the Union. Ninety men handed in their names.

Mr. Garcelon was the first speaker, and he emphasized the importance of track athletics. In no other sport is there as great an opportunity for a man to show his persistence and determination. This spirit will gradually pervade all activities and will prove a powerful assistance in after-life.

Captain Little then outlined the work for this year. All cross-country men should report at Soldiers Field every afternoon at 4 o'clock. The field-event and hurdles candidates are to report to Coach Quinn, who will be on the field every morning and afternoon. There will be numerous competitions for these men, the dates of which will be posted in the Locker Building. As usual there will be the Freshman Games and the Fall Handicap Meet before Christmas, and the B. A. A. Games on February 12, when an attempt will be made to run two relay races. These will be followed by the Spring Handicap Games, the Dartmouth and Yale Dual Meets, and the Intercollegiates. There will also be many other games for men to get practice in competition.

Coach Quinn then spoke on the absoluute necessity of hard and steady work. He will be on the field both forenoon and afternoon, but all men without experience should come in the morning if possible.
