

Ignorance on the part of the undergraduates of the plans for tonight's demonstration must be responsible for the disappointingly small demands for outfits yesterday. We cannot believe that it is mere indifference, for Harvard students have shown hitherto on many such occasions their readiness to respond to any reasonable request.

The parade has been planned by the Student Council as the great pictorial feature of the inauguration. An ample supply of outfits of torch, sash and red fire has been provided, and, as we explained on Monday, the price has been set at the lowest possible figure. A band will play on the march from the Yard and some of the familiar football songs will be sung. At Soldiers Field there will be a series of evolutions, an elaborate display of fire-works, with a final torchlight march around the top of the Stadium. President Lowell and his guests will occupy the central section of seats in the bowl of the Stadium, and delegates to the inauguration and guests of the University will be seated in the adjoining sections. The President will make a brief address.

Today the sale of the outfits will be continued at the Co-operative. If the demonstration is not to be the one unsuccessful feature of the inauguration, it is absolutely necessary that every man in the College provide himself with an cutfit and march with his class tonight.
