

History and Present Conditions of U. S. Military Academy Outlined.

Colonel H. L. Scott, superintendent of the United States Military Academy, lectured in the Union last night on "West Point." He began by saying that Harvard prepares its graduates for all the arts of peace, West Point for the arts of war; but the prime object of both is to make cultivated men.

Colonel Scott went on to tell of the history, method and influence of the Academy. West Point was of great strategic importance during the Revolution, which fact, together with the lack of officers during this war, made Washington see the great advantage to the country of placing a military academy upon this site. He strongly advocated this measure, and in 1802 Congress at length passed a bill to establish such an academy. It proved inefficient until after the war of 1812, when it was reorganized, and after many troubles were eliminated it was placed upon its present basis.

The curriculum is chosen for the development of the mental capacity and the character of the cadet, who is put through a rigorous course of instruction and physical training, and who, at all hours of the day and night, is under the immediate supervision of a commissioned officer. He leads the strenuous and the simple life. The Academy believes that no man can command others until he has himself learned the strictest kind of discipline.

Graduates of West Point played a great part in the quick termination of the Mexican War. A great number of the officers of the Civil War also were graduates. But war has not been their only field, for they have been prominent in educational, political and civil life. Graduates of this institution have done great service to the whole country and have had large influence in other countries. West Point commands the respect and confidence of the people.


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