

In 20-Minute Scrimmage Against Second Eleven.--Five Regulars Absent.

The practice for the University football squad was again secret yesterday afternoon. There was a twenty-minute scrimmage between the first and second teams divided into two halves, the first team making one touchdown in each half.

A number of the regulars were not in the line-up, but on the whole the first team did very well, especially in the second half. Leslie, Corbett, and McKay were not on the field, the two latter being out of the game for a few days on account of injuries, which, however, are not serious. P. D. Smith and Wigglesworth, who have not played in the scrimmage for some days, will probably be in condition by the end of the week. H. Hooper played left tackle in place of McKay, and did very well for the first day. J. W. Farley '99 joined the coaching staff yesterday and will assist Coach Haughton for some weeks. C. F. Crowley, who was regular end on last year's team, but is not eligible this fall, reported for the second team and will be a valuable aid during the remainder of the season.

The second team was given the ball in the middle of the field at the start of the scrimmage, but was soon forced to punt, Sprague doing the kicking. As was the case throughout the afternoon, the first team line men broke through and almost blocked the punt. The second team was again given the ball and, by a number of trick plays, gained nearly thirty yards before losing it. The first team then went straight down the field for its first touchdown, Minot scoring. After a short intermission play was resumed, and was considerably faster. O'Hare and Whitney did excellent work for the second team, stopping a number of plays for no gain. The second touchdown was largely due to a long forward pass to L. D. Smith after the first team had been penalized.

The teams lined up as follows:

No Admittance to Secret Practice.


Unless specially announced, the football practice from now on will be absolutely secret. No one, not even track men in track clothes, will be allowed on the field during practice. Coach Haughton desires that everyone obey this request in every particular. FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Rogers, Houston, l.e.  r.e., Whitney, Blanchard Hooper, l.t.  r.t., Goddard, Davis L. Withington, l.g.  r.g., O'Hare P. Withington, Perkins, c.  c., Morris Fisher, Stow, W. K. Blodgett, r.g.  l.g., Knapp, Barber Fish, r.t.  l.t., Coburn G. G. Browne, L. D. Smith, r.e.  l.e., Paine O'Flaherty, Galatti, q.b.  q.b., Johnson Frothingham, Pierce, l.h.b.  r.h.b., W. K. Page, Tryon Long, r.h.b.  l.h.b., R. M. Page, Burrage, Witmer Minot, f.b.  f.b., E. S. Blodgett, McCabe
