

Series on Professions by Prominent Men.--Pop Concerts Arranged.

The Directors of the Union have arranged for the current year a series of especially interesting lectures by prominent men. The lectures on professions, which were instituted last year and which proved so successful, will be continued this year. The dates and subjects of the lectures arranged for October follow:

October 12.--Professor A. L. Rotch h.'91, on "Aerial Navigation." Illustrated.

October 19.--Horace Fletcher, M. A., on "Vital Economics." Illustrated.

October 26.--Col. H. L. Scott, U. S. A., Commandant of West Point, on "The Military Academy."

Other men who have consented to speak at later dates are Dr. J. M. Little '97, who is aiding Dr. Grenfell in his work for Labrador; Mr. G. O. Shields, president of the League of American Sportsmen; Mr. John Kendrick Bangs; Mr. J. M. Chapple, editor of the National Magazine; Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, U. S. A.; Mr. F. Hopkinson Smith, and Professor Percival Lowell '76.


In the series of lectures on professions, President H. A. Garfield, of Williams, has consented to speak on "Education," and the Rev. Endicott Peabody h.'04, on "The Ministry."

Pop-nights by the Pierian Sodality and the Musical Clubs have also been arranged as follows:

November 4.--Pierian Sodality.

November 18.--Musical Clubs.

December 16.--Pierian Sodality.

February 17.--Pierian Sodality.

March 24.--Musical Clubs.

April 14.--Pierian Sodality.

May 19.--Musical Clubs.

Applications for membership in the Union will be received at the Union office, Leavitt & Peirce's, and the Co-operative stores.
