

This opening week of the College year is a favorable time to call the attention of all members of the University, and particularly of the new members, to the facilities of the Union, and to the important place that it fills in this community. The list of coming lectures and entertainments in another column indicates what pleasures it affords in one direction. Its file of papers and periodicals is the most nearly complete of any accessible to students, and the library contains an excellent collection of text and reference books in addition to its general department. These advantages should be of particular value to students residing outside of Cambridge.

As a central meeting place, in which smokers, dinners, and other gatherings of all descriptions are habitually held, the Union is indispensable. The restaurant offers good board at prices which compare favorably with those of other places of the same grade. The arrangement made last spring by which accounts may be paid monthly ought to encourage patronage of the dining room, which at best is run at a financial loss.

Last year the membership fell below the high mark which had been made in 1908. The decrease was due in part to smaller numbers in the College itself, but also to the neglect of those who as undergraduates should have aided by joining. Juniors and Seniors, especially, who need the Union less in that they are more likely to have the use of other clubs, have shown hitherto a disinclination to do their duty in this regard. We would remind them that the Union belongs to them and that it needs their support to insure a successful year.
