

1913 Defeated Groton by Score of 9 to 0. Lewis Kicked Field Goal.

The Freshman football team opened its season on Saturday by defeating Groton School at Groton by the score of 9 to 0. The Freshmen played well individually but lacked team-work. Fumbling was fairly frequent, and the backs failed to follow their interference. The features of the game were the strong, steady playing of Lewis, and several sensational runs outside of tackle and around the ends by Wendell. Groton, as a team, played the better game, but was handicapped by the weight of its opponents. The ends were fast in getting down the field under punts, and almost always downed their men for small gains. In this respect they clearly outplayed the Freshman ends, whose slowness was noticeable.

Outline of the Game.

In the first half, penalties and exchanges of punts caused the ball to change hands repeatedly, until by straight rushing the Freshmen brought the ball to Groton's 20-yard line. Lewis then kicked a pretty field goal against a strong wind. Just before the end of the half Chadwick made 15 yards on a forward pass from Gardner, but the play was declared illegal.

Soon after the beginning of the second half, Groton tried a forward pass, but fumbled, Lewis recovering the ball for the Freshmen in the middle of the field. Wendell carried the ball to Groton's 3-yard line in three plays, and on the next rush scored a touchdown. Lewis kicked the goal.

The summary:


Score--Harvard 1913, 9; Groton, 0. Touchdown--Wendell. Goal from touchdown--Lewis. Goal from field--Lewis. Umpire--Bankart. Referee--Cross. Fieldjudge--Peabody. Timer--Abbot. Linesmen--T. H. Frothingham '12 and Parker, Groton. Time--20 and 15-minute halves. HARVARD 1913.  GROTON. Hollister, J. Parker, l.e.  r.e., Lothrop Lingard, l.t.  r.t., C. Curtis Goodale, Driscoll, l.g.  r.g., L. Curtis F. Parker, Cutler, c.  c., Atkinson Keays, Godfrey, r.g.  l.g., Paine Felton, r.t.  l.t., Gardiner, Pyne Chadwick, Proctor, White, r.e.  l.e., Dana, Wharton Gardner, q.b.  q.b., Colt Graustein, Bartlett, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Hardwick, Biddle Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Wright, Schiefflin Lewis, f.b.  f.b., Smith, Gardiner
