

Newton and Wald Rowed at Stroke and 7 in Second Boat Yesterday.

During the past week there has been a great stride in the development of the three University crews, especially in the work of the first eight, during the latter half of the week. The men who changed positions in the early part of last week have become accustomed to their new seats and the eight as a whole is very much better together. On Wednesday all three eights went down-stream and and on the return row the work of the University crew was good. Thursday's row brought even better results and the eight showed the best form it has so far this year. The power in the boat is being used to better advantage, but the crew is still weak in getting away strongly and quickly at the catch, and lacks a hard drive clean through to the finish.

Yesterday the members of the University and third crews went out in singles with the exception of Newton and Waid, who went out as stroke and 7 in the second boat, the same as a week ago yesterday. By this practice it is evident that Coach Wray has Newton in view as a possible candidate for stroke of the University crew next spring, and by rowing him with Waid in the second crew once a week he can see how well the pair work together, and also better eradicate Newton's tendency to be slow with his hands and body on the recovery. This plan is likely to be carried out next spring, as Cutler is slightly tall for the ideal stroke besides being needed at 6, where he is exceptionally good, and Newton ought not to have much trouble at stroke with three experienced and veteran oars behind him in the stern four.

The orders for the week:

University crew.--Stroke, Cutler; 7, Waid; 6, Newton; 5, Bacon; 4, Strong; 3, Metcalf; 2, Leslie; bow, Sargent; cox., King.

Second University crew.--Stroke, Forster; 7, Hooper; 6, Higginson; 5, Balch; 4, Waite; 3, Loring; 2, Cudahy; bow, Whitney; cox., Voorhees.


Third University crew.--Stroke, Richardson; 7, Shillito; 6, Eaton; 5, Beane; 4, Parker; 3, Hoar; 2, Howell; bow, Wiggins; cox., Kempton.

Dormitory Rowing Yesterday.

Yesterday's rowing completed the first week's practice of the dormitory crews. Naturally there was much confusion over the orders of the crews and the hours of rowing during the first part of the week, but affairs are in a much more settled condition by now. From the point of view of numbers, this year's dormitory rowing should be very successful, as there are 144 men on the river every day, comprising sixteen eights as opposed to the twelve crews in the bumping races last year. A plan has been formulated by which men not in any dormitory or street which makes up crews may get together and form outsiders' crews, as there is plenty of room for more men. So far Claverly, Randolph, Mr. Auburn St., and Thayer have shown the most promise.
