

In 30-Minute Scrimmage With Second, Secret Practice Held Today.

The real practice for the University football squad for this week ended yesterday afternoon with a thirty-minute scrimmage between the first and second teams. Tomorrow the practice will be secret, and it will continue from now on, unless otherwise announced. In the scrimmage the first team showed up considerably better than it has at any time during the week. Several of the regulars, Minot, P. D. Smith, and Corbett were in the line-up at the start but were replaced before long. In the line, Perkins started at centre, but when he was taken out P. Withington was shifted from guard to that position. The ends were a little slow, but prevented the second team from gaining around them.

At the opening of the scrimmage the second team was given the ball on the first team's 30-yard line. No downs were kept and the second team was told to score. A series of forward passes was tried, several with fair success. After about ten plays Johnson, who was playing quarterback on the second, caught a forward pass and ran for a touchdown, but the play was declared illegal. The first team was then given a chance to carry the ball. The teamwork was better than on the day before, which enabled Long to score after a series of line plunges. The second kicked off to Morrison who ran the ball back to his 15-yard line. Galatti went in at quarterback on the first and put new life into his team. The ball was carried down the field again, Long finally scoring just before the scrimmage ended.

The line-up was as follows: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Houston, Rogers, l.e.  r.e., Paine McKay, Hooper, l.t.  r.t., Coach Blagden, Coburn P. Withington, West, l.g.  r.g., Blake, E. W. Fisher Perkins, P. Withington, c.  c., Knapp R. T. Fisher, Stow, r.g.  l.g., Brock L. Withington, r.t.  l.t., Coach Robinson, Pfaelzer, Davis G. G. Browne, L. D. Smith, R. C. Brown, r.e.  l.e., Clifford O'Flaherty, Galatti, q.b.  q.b., Johnson, Merrill Corbett, Frothingham, Pierce, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Tryon P. D. Smith, Morrison, r.h.b.  l.h.b., R. M. Page, Burrage Minot, Long, f.b.  f.b., E. S. Blodgett
