
Twelve Dormitory Crews at Work

In spite of the fact that the dormitory crew orders are far from being straightened out yet, there were more crews on the river yesterday than on Monday. Several dormitories whose men did not all report made up scrub eights and went out. Randolph had enough men yesterday to form a crew of its own and henceforth will row alone, but Ridgely and Russell will continue to row together. So far Randolph and Glaverly from the Weld boathouse and Mt. Auburn street from the Newell have shown the best form.

The following crews rowed from the Weld boathouse yesterday:

Claverly.--Stroke, Hunnewell; 7, Holt; 6, Beale; 5, Webb; 4, Sargent; 3, McKee; 2, Macy; bow, Cushman; cox., Duer.

Randolph.--Stroke, Martin; 7, Weston; 6, Barnes; 5, Platt; 4, Peabody; 3, Cammack; 3, Robbins; bow, Scudder; cox., Everett.

Russell-Ridgely.--Stroke, Maxwell; 7, Moffat; 6, Fletcher; 5, Hobart; 4, Inbusch; 3, Aspinwall; 2, Ford; bow, Powell; cox., Cogswell.


Dunster-Drayton-Dana. -- Stroke, Osgood; 7, Whitman; 6, Lincoln; 5, R. M. Allen; 4, Brooks; 3, Putnam; 2, Stratton; bow, M. C. Allen; cox., Phillips.

Linden Street.--Stroke, Green; 7, Richard; 6, Henderson; 5, Brown; 4, Gregg; 3, Fales; 2, Biddle; bow, Hayward; cox., Pratt.

Scrub Crew.--Stroke, Richter; 7, Coulson; 6, Smith; 5, Brownell; 4, Schafer; 3, Breck; 2, Gratz; bow, Levison; cox., Buel.

Scrub Crew.--Stroke, Fay; 7, Dudley; 6, Vickery; 5, Fischer; 4, Schafer; 3, Biddle; 2, De Loriea; bow, Peterson; cox., Cogswell.

Those from the Newell rowed in the following order:

Mt. Auburn Street.--Stroke, Ellis; 7, R. S. Parker; 6, Nelson; 5, Locke; 4, E. Parker; 3, Washburn; 2, Pinney; bow, Smart; cox., Abbles.

Second Mt. Auburn Street.--Stroke, Friede; 7, A. B. Day; 6, Baldwin; 5, Adams; 4, Ehrmann; 3, T. Day; 2, Huckel; bow, Nash; cox., Abbles.

Scrub Crew.--Stroke, Williams; 7, Allen; 6, St. John; 5, Tucker; 4, Farwell; 3, Goldsmith; 2, Stifel; bow, Duff; cox., McGiffert.

Weld.--Stroke, Binger; 7, Lippmann; 6, Wilhelm; 5, Baker; 4, Brooks; 3, Smith; 2, Aub; bow, Munn; cox., Bunker.

Scrub Crew.--Stroke, Frye; 7, Lynn; 6, Brady; 5, Locke; 4, Allen; 3, Murray; 2, Curtis; bow, Earle; cox., Wellman.
