

Student Council to Arrange for Collection to be Sent to Italy.

At the meeting of the Student Council last evening it was voted that the Council arrange for a collection in the University for the relief work in Lower Italy and Sicily. The money will be turned over to Lee, Higginson & Company, who have charge of the Boston contributions to the relief fund.

The Council requests the following men to meet with a sub-committee of the Council at 3.30 o'clock today in the CRIMSON office to make arrangements for the collection: J. Curtiss '09, N. E. Devereux '09, F. P. Farquhar '09, G. Farwell '09, J. E. Garnsey '09, J. M. Groton '09, R. M. Middlemass '09, J. A. Paine '09, E. F. Ver Wiebe '09, R. V. White '09, O. G. Wood '09, G. G. Browne '10, G. P. Gardner '10, C. L. Lanigan '10, L. C. Seaverns '10, W. Oveson '11, S. O. Richardson '11.

A collection will be made tonight at Memorial Hall and at Randall.
