

A high ideal of intercollegiate sport in these days is not satisfied alone with success in contests with outside rivals but is concerned as well in the number of men that actively engage in the various sports and reap the benefit of vigorous athletic exercise in competition within the University. This does not imply any diminution of effort in striving to compete successfully with your neighbor in the big contests of the year; it does imply, however, an attempt to make athletics more a regular part of the daily occupation of a student by providing athletic exercise within the limits of his skill and strength. This is the kind of exercise he enjoys and which perhaps can be most beneficial to him.

We have prided ourselves at various times on our worthy endeavors in this direction but the more one investigates the matter the more he is convinced that we have just made a good beginning and that there is still much to be done. In some of the sports it has not been proven as yet that the best arrangement has been secured which will assure success to both the University team and the scrub teams but the solution will eventually be found. The Leiter cup baseball series has always been popular and the dormitory rowing races as well as the handicap track meets bring out large numbers in the spring and fall.

Our particular concern at present is the outdoor winter sports. The inadequate facilities for indoor sports in the Hemenway Gymnasium and the growing feeling against basketball make it imperative that the outdoor sports be placed as largely as possible at the service of those who play for the fun of it and for the fresh air it puts into their lungs. Through a chain of unfortunate circumstances scrub hockey was either neglected or prevented last year. The opportunities afforded this year by the ice on the river near the boat houses will relieve the congestion which has existed in the Stadium in former years and there is every reason to believe that the response will justify the efforts of the hockey management in arranging a scrub series and attempting to make the sport popular. The CRIMSON hopes to see the outdoor dormitory relay races continued also as the success of former years warrants their continuance, especially as relay racing has become an outdoor sport owing to the lack of a suitable indoor running track. The more men provided for in the way of outdoor exercise during these winter months, the better; it will make us a healthier and happier community.
