A series for scrub hockey teams will begin next Monday. Cups will be awarded by the University hockey management to the seven members of the winning team. Only those who have won their "H. H. T." or are on the University squad are ineligible.
Requirements for eligibility are as follows: (1) Name of the team with full list of members must be entered in the blue-book at Leavitt and Peirce's before 5 o'clock next Friday; (2) duplicate lists must be sent to the manager of the University team at the Athletic Office after every game; (3) every team must have a captain or manager who will have complete charge of running the team. This man must find out from all members of his team if it will be possible for them to play any day and anywhere at 3.30 o'clock. There will be a meeting of all these men at Holworthy 9, Friday at 8 o'clock.
The schedule for all games will be posted in the CRIMSON office on Saturday, and all games must be played when scheduled, provided there is ice. Notice of the place of each day's game will appear in the CRIMSON, and teams who do not appear thirty minutes after the scheduled time will forfeit the game. In case of its being impossible for a team to play, notice must be given one day in advance or else the game will be forfeited.
Men playing in these games will be closely watched and those who show promise will be taken up to the University squad, and will form a nucleus for the selection of class teams for the inter-class series which will be played as soon as the scrub series are completed.
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