

Before the Senior class "lives," occupation cards and treasurer's blanks are lost forever in the waste-baskets of their recipients, it is well to come forward with the annual urgent appeal to the Seniors to get these papers back to the class officers at once. It is very important for the treasurer to ascertain the amount of the class funds as soon as possible, and with the charitable provision for payment in installments the subscriptions should be adequately large. The secretary's work will also be greatly facilitated if the class "lives" and occupation cards are returned now and not late in the spring.

Strange as it may seem, some men feel reticent about writing the real facts of their College lives on these blanks, laboring under some peculiar apprehension that their secrets will be divulged to their great damage. Of course this idea is absolutely unfounded. The Seniors may feel assured that no one except the secretary will read these class "lives," and they can depend on him to use proper discretion. Every member of the class should not only answer all the questions candidly, but should make serious suggestions for the possible improvement of conditions here by advocating changes in the present system or proposing plans for the future.
