The lecture in the Union this evening on the Medical Profession is intended more for those men who are as yet undecided as to their future careers than for those who have already planned to enter medical work. It was Major Higginson's suggestion that the Union provide this series of lectures on the various professions in the belief that so many men, when they come to cast about for a means of livelihood, not having the necessary data upon which to base a comparative judgment, are likely to take up the line of work which comes nearest to hand. Comparatively few men on the whole make up their minds definitely in regard to their life work until well along in their college course and it is well that they have presented to them an outline of the different occupations by men of distinction in all the branches.
It is not intended here to discourage those men from attending who have definitely chosen medicine as a profession or those, in fact, who are preparing especially for a particular profession other than this. Dean Christian is well qualified to present a complete and instructive analysis of the possibilities in his profession, of its aims and methods. He has received his training under the new methods of instruction and he is thoroughly acquainted with the field which modern medicine and surgery present to young men.
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