

The president and directors of the Harvard Dining Association elected last night to take charge of affairs at Memorial Hall for the next 12 months are confronted with a task of considerable importance. The management of a co-operative restaurant with the sole purpose of affording the best possible food at the lowest possible price for a large number of men is not a task to be undertaken lightly at any time. At just this time it is especially difficult, for lately there has been in progress at Memorial a policy of experiment--a policy naturally arising from continued evidences of dissatisfaction. Nor have the experiments as yet greatly relieved the dissatisfaction, for it is evident that the Association will soon suffer from desertion unless the extraordinarily high price charged so far this year is substantially reduced.

To prevent such a desertion is the task before the newly elected management. Merely urging men to join or to stay at the Hall will not solve the problem. What people want is a comfortable place to eat, satisfactory food, and a reasonable charge. We cannot believe that this is too much to expect and we earnestly hope that the new president and directors will discover the means.
