

Overseers to Meet This Morning to Confirm Prof. Lowell's Election.

The Board of Overseers will hold a special meeting at 50 State street, Boston, this morning at 11 o'clock to take final action upon the nomination by the Corporation of Professor Abbott Lawrence Lowell '77 as President of the University. There is little doubt that Professor Lowell's election will be confirmed, and there is a strong possibility of a unanimous vote by the Overseers.

The board was prevented from taking final action at the meeting last Wednesday by the following by-law: "No nomination of a member of the Corporation or of a permanent professor shall be ratified by the Board except at a meeting or adjournment held on seven days' notice; nor shall any such nomination be finally acted on at the meeting or adjournment at which it shall be made." Suspension of this by-law for a special occasion was made impossible by a second by-law which states that no amendments to the by-laws shall be made except on seven days' notice.
