Four games were played Saturday afternoon in the scrub hockey series: the Puck-Chasers defeated the College Ices by the score of 2 to 1; the Directories defeated the Stronghearts, 13 to 0; the Frozen Feet defeated the Follies of 1909, 4 to 2; and the Ice-Splitters defeated the Radcliffe Cocktails, 3 to 0. The two remaining games in the first round, Weary Willies vs. Canucks, and Skates vs. Mermaids, must be played today or the teams will be defaulted. The following games must be played today.
Weary Willies vs. Canucks; Skates vs. Mermaids; Frosen Feet vs. Puck-Chasers; Chuck-a-Pucks vs. Directories.
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