
Track Team Practice and Schedule

Of the 400 men who sent in their names as candidates for the track team, only about 175 have reported as yet for practice. Although it is still early in the season, the coaches feel that the showing should be better, especially in the field events, as Coach Quinn had only 38 men working under him last week.

The results of the practice time trials of 390 yards on Holmes Field yesterday afternoon for relay men were very good. Captain Rand's time was 48 3-5 seconds, and de Selding, Merrihew, and Foster finished under 50 seconds. Of the Freshman squad, Ranney, with 51 3-4 seconds, made the best time.

Regular squads for track event men have been formed at 10, 11, 3.30, and 4.30 o'clock, and Coach Donovan will be at the Gymnasium all day for men who cannot report at these times. Coach Quinn will be at the baseball cage all day until 3 o'clock, when he has to report with the hockey squad; men wishing to practice in the evening should make special arrangements with him.

Following is a list of the meets already arranged:

January 28--Field Event Meet.


February 6--B. A. A. in Boston.

March 5-6--Winter Carnival.

April 16--Spring Handicap Games.

May 1--Class Games.

May 6--Consolation Games.

May 8--Dartmouth Meet.

May 15--Yale Meet at New Haven.

May 22--Freshman-Yale 1912 Meet.

May 28-29--Intercollegiate Meet.

Unless otherwise stated all meets will be in Cambridge.
