
University Enrolment by States

The total enrolment in all departments of the University, not including the Summer School, is 3918. Out of a total state enrolment of 3763, Massachusetts has a representation of about 50 per cent., while New York's representation is 11 1-2 per cent. In the new Graduate School of Business Administration, Massachusetts has 43 representatives out of a total of 58. Of the 142 men enrolled from foreign countries, Canada with 35 again has the largest representation. There are 13 men from the United States dependencies.

The figures in detail are as follows: Massachusetts, 1941; New York, 449; Pennsylvania, 171; Ohio, 135; Illinois, 87; Maine, 87; New Hampshire, 74; Rhode Island, 68; California, 64; New Jersey, 59; Connecticut, 56; Missouri, 56; Iowa, 46; Indiana, 43; Minnesota, 33; District of Columbia, 31; Maryland, 26; Vermont, 26; Colorado, 25; Kentucky, 23; Wisconsin, 22; Michigan, 20; Tennessee, 20; Kansas, 19; Georgia, 16; Washington, 16; Texas, 15; North Carolina, 14; Oregon, 12; Alabama, 11; Nebraska, 11; Virginia, 10; South Carolina, 9; Oklahoma, 8; South Dakota, 8; Utah 8; Montana, 7; West Virginia, 7; Delaware, 5; Mississippi, 5; North Dakota, 4; Wyoming, 4; Arkansas, 3; Louisiana, 3; Florida, 2; Arizona, 1; Idaho, 1; Nevada, 1; New Mexico, 1.

The enrolment from insular possessions is as follows: Hawaii, 8; Porto Rico, 4; Philippine Islands, 1.

Foreign countries are represented as follows: Canada, 35; China, 25; Great Britain and Ireland, 13; Germany, 12; Japan, 7; France, 6; India, 6; Cuba, 5; Russia, 5; Italy, 3; Argentine Republic, 2; British West Indies, 2; Bulgaria, 2; Egypt, 2; Mexico, 2; New Zealand, 2; South Africa, 2; Australia, 1; Brazil, 1; Colombia, 1; Holland, 1; Korea, 1; Peru, 1; Roumania, 1; Siam, 1; Switzerland, 1; Turkish Empire, 2.
