
Harvard Men Prominent in Summer Golf

Harvard men have been rather prominent in golf during the past summer and have played important parts in several big tournaments. T. Briggs '09 won the Bar Harbor tournament and the championship at South Furrey, and playing with C. H. Burton '09 won the foursome State Championship of Southern Ohio. H. H. Wilder '09, captain of the University golf team, was runner-up in the Massachusetts State Championship and in two other tournaments; but his best performance was in the National Amateur Championships at Garden City where he was defeated by W. J. Travis at the forty-first hole.

F. W. Davis '09 won several minor tournaments in the West; P. M. Smith '11 won the tournament of the Pilgrim Country Club; H. C. Clark '11 was prominent in the Vermont State Championships and at the Manchester, N. H. tournaments; and W. T. Morgan '10 won the tournament at Apawamis, N. Y. and the championship of the Papoose Island Club. T. M. Claflin '07 has been playing good golf and did well in the National Amateur Championships at Garden City.
