Following is the program for the Pop Concert in Symphony Hall this evening: Technology Night. 1."Dear Old M.I.T.," H. S. Wonson '07 2. Overture, "Light Cavalry," Suppe 3. Waltz, "Estudiantina," Waldteufel 4. Selection, "Yankee Consul," Robyn 5. a. "On Rogers Steps," T. W. Estabrook '05 b. "Take Me Back To Tech," I. W. Litchfield '85 6. Selection, "Mile. Modiste," Herbert 7. "American Patrol," Meecham 8. Selection from the 1908 Tech Show. 9. Pomp and Circumstance, Elgar 10. "Stein Song," F. F. Bullard '87 11. Waltz, "Espana," Waldteufel 12. March, "Stars and Stripes," Sousa
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