
Senior Class Occupations

The following is a list of the Senior class, with the occupations which they will severally take up after leaving College:

Adams, J., Jr., law.

Alden, H., law or business.

Alexander, E.S., business.

Allen, A.E., electrical engineering.


Allen, E.B., mechanical engineering.

Allen, J., law.

Allen, M., patent attorney.

Alley, J., school work.

Almy, C., Jr., chemical engineering.

Altrocchi, R., teaching.

Amberg, H.V., law.

Anderson, G.J., journalism.

Anderton, W.P., medicine.

Apthorp, R.E., student.

Apollonio, C., manufacturing.

Arnold, A.F., landscape architecture.

Arnold, R.V., electrical engineering.

Aulsbrook, H.E., business.

Bacall, C., insurance.

Bacon, G.G., undecided.

Baker, D.V., medicine.

Baker, J.W., business.

Ball, G.G., undecided.

Barber, E., advertising.

Barney, H.B., civil engineering.

Barrow, W.H., undecided.

Barta, L.W., brokerage.

Bartlett, H.H., botany.

Bates, G.C., undecided.

Baxter, H.C., business.

Beardsley, W.W., undecided.

Becker, E., undecided.

Beebe, C.P., book-keeping.

Bell, R.D., medicine.

Bement, E.D., business.

Bender, H.W., engineering.

Benedict, E.G., stock brokerage.

Bennett, W.C., teaching.

Benton, J.R., law.

Bernstein, M., law.

Berolzheimer, E.M., manufacturing.

Biddle, G., law.

Bigelow, P., Jr., real estate brokerage.

Binney, G.H., Jr., medicine.

Bird, W.M., mining.

Bishop, F., law.

Blagden, E.S., undecided.

Blair, H.S., undecided.

Bliss, C.A., business.

Block, A.E., law.

Blodgett, H.G., social service.

Bogert, L., business.

Boland, G.W., law.

Bostwick, W.T., business.

Bowles, S., Jr., journalism.

Boynton, G.E., business.

Bradford, F.C., agriculture.

Bradley, R.B., brewer.

Brady, A.S.A., undecided.

Brady, C.T., Jr., civil engineering.

Breed, H.P., business.

Breed, R.W., business.

Breslin, J.G., medicine.

Brewer, J.D., business.

Brigham, D.S., business.

Brill, K.F., mining engineering.

Brock, A., Jr., undecided.

Broderick, C.T., mining.

Broderick, J.H., law.

Broidrick, T.J., mining.

Brooks, V.W., journalism.

Broun, I.S., business.

Brown, C.S., Jr., real estate.

Brown, E., law.

Brown, G.E., business.

Brown, G.V.D., salesman.

Brown, J.W., undecided.

Brown, P.W., law.

Browne, A.S., journalism.

Brownrigg, W.A.S., woolen business.

Bruce, J.B., Jr., medicine.

Buckman, H.H., chemical engineering.

Buell, H.G., agriculture.

Burditt, W.E., grain business.

Burt, G., law.

Burt, H.P., law.

Burton, C.W., business.

Butler, F.A., medicine or business.

Butler, J.W., forestry.

Butler, P.L., law.

Butt, L.H., business.

Callahan, W.P., architecture.

Carman, E.W., law.

Carpenter, K.G., business.

Carter, G.R., student.

Carter, P.B., law.

Caskin, F.H., Jr., law.

Cates, J.E., undecided.

Chadbourne, H.W., mining engineering.

Chamberlin, R.D., business.

Chamberlin, W.C., manufacturing.

Channing, H., undecided.

Cheney, H.D.M., journalism.

Chevalier, J.B., business.

Claflin, C.B., journalism.

Clark, E.D., chemistry.

Clark, H.G., shoe business.

Clark, T.T., manufacturing.

Clarke, A.M., undecided.

Clemans, H.G., undecided.

Cliff, W.H., brokerage.

Cobb, C., law.

Cobb, V., chemistry.

Coburn, J.H., law.

Cohen, F.M., law.

Cohen, G.T., medicine.

Cole, J.R., mining.

Cole, W.W., forestry.

Collins, F.S., manufacturing.

Comstock, A.B., law.

Comstock, C.R., medicine.

Conant, E.B., manufacturing.

Cook, E.W., electrical engineering.

Coolidge, J.B., law.

Corbett, L.C., advertising.

Cornell, J.H., navy.

Corson, R.M., teaching.

Cox., L.D., landscape architecture.

Crosby, M.S., agriculture.

Cruger, F., undecided.

Cunningham, R.A., manufacturing.

Cunningham, W.H., teaching.

Currier, E.L., consular service.

Cushman, L.H., undecided.

Daly, W., Jr., railroading.

Dana, E., railroading.

Davis, H.S., banking.

Davis, J.S., teaching.

Davis, P.W., brokerage.

Dean, F.S., teaching.

Deane, A.G., banking.

Deford, R.B., undecided.

Delano, G.H., mining engineering.

DeGolyer, R.J., law.

Derby, J.L., undecided.

Desmond, T.C., civil engineering.

Dewey, B., student.

Dexter, F., teaching.

Dexter, G.S., business.

Dill, A.G., teaching.

Dillingham, N.S., undecided.

Dodge, L.P., undecided.

Doherty, F.J.A., chemistry.

Doherty, H.A., Jr., journalism.

Donnelly, R.A., Jr., merchant.

Dutcher, P.E., manufacturing.

Dutton, E.W., undecided.

Dwelley, G.M., law.

Eames, A.J., teaching.

Eaton, C.N., business.

Eaton, P.L., teaching.

Eaton, T., teaching.

Edgar, R., journalism.

Edwards, Paul, manufacturing.

Edwards, Philip, mining engineering.

Eger, T.W., agriculture.

Eipper, D.C., teaching.

Eldridge, A.J., teaching.

Eliot, G.W., landscape architecture.

Elliott, R.F., undecided.

Ellis, W.V., undecided.

Ely, R.S., lumber business.

Emerson, G., law.

English, E.W., manufacturing.

Ervin, S., law.

Evans, I.B., teaching.

Fabens, A.L., mechanical engineering.

Fahnestock, S.A., banking.

Fales, E.N., electrical engineering.

Faunce, W.W., business.

Fay, E.W., teaching.

Ferguson, J.M., banking.

Fickett, R.S., law.

Field, A.H., landscape architecture.

Findley, W.V.B., law.

Finnegan, P.J., medicine.

Fischel, L., agriculture.

Fish, S.W., mining engineering.

Fisher, R.W., business.

Fletcher, R.K., architecture.

Fletcher, W., undecided.

Foote, G.L., undecided.

Ford, E.L., engineering.

Ford, W.M., ministry.

Foss, B.S., business.

Fraenkel, O.K., law.

Francis, H.R., law.

Francis, P.B., manufacturing.

Frank, M., medicine.

Fraser-Campbell, A., civil engineering.

Frelinghuysen, F.T., undecided.

Friend, E.W., teaching.

Frost, N.W., teaching.

Fujioka, S., business.

Fuller, E.S., civil engineering.

Fuller, G.S., law.

Furber, C.L., business.

Gaffney, J., Jr., law.

Gammans, H.W., teaching.

Gardner, J.E., Jr., law.

Gaskill, W.W., electrical engineering.

Gavin, B., business.

Gehring, C.W., student.

Geiger, G.A., chemistry.

Gerald, B.J.F., music.

Giddings, M.B., business.

Gilder, G. deK., business.

Gilmore, H.M., business.

Glass, G.G., mining.

Glycart, C.K., chemistry.

Goddard, C.G., business.

Goldstein, D., law.

Good, G.C., teaching.

Goodell, R.B., undecided.

Goodwin, H.M., business.

Gordon, B.H., law.

Gould, A. VanW., business.

Grant, P., undecided.

Gray, J.C., teaching.

Green, H., law.

Greenebaum, J.V., medicine.

Greenough, A., stock brokerage.

Grinnell, L., undecided.

Grover, G.W., law.

Guest, J.A., undecided.

Haberstroh, E.F., decorating.

Hackett, W.H.Y., undecided.

Hallet, R.M., law.

Hampe, H.G., landscape architecture.

Handy, F.B., teaching.

Harding, L.B., Jr., banking.

Harlow, S.R., teaching.

Harrison, P.A., medicine.

Hartwell, O.W., civil engineering.

Harvie, P.L., medicine.

Haskell, P.C., undecided.

Hassler, H.L., law.

Hawkins, K.B., law.

Hay, C.L., public service.

Hedin, N., teaching.

Hemingway, H.H., law.

Henry, S.E., business.

Hetherington, A.F., stock brokerage.

Hickox, W., Jr., business.

Hill, D.B., mechanical engineering.

Hill, J.T., railroading.

Hinds, F.W., railroading.

Hinkel, A.W., business.

Hoguet, R.E., business.

Holloway, W.G., banking.

Homans, W.P., undecided.

Hooker, F.B., Jr., business.

Hooper, J.E., law.

Horne, H.W., electrical engineering.

Horton, L.M., grain business.

Horwitz, S.J., business.

Houghton, J.T., medicine.

Howe, F.S., business.

Howe, G., architecture.

Howe, J.S., Jr., business.

Howell, J.C., civil engineering.

Howes, K., law.

Hughes, E.B., business.

Hull, G.N., real estate.

Hunt, G.H., medicine.

Hurwitz, H., undecided.

Hurwitz, S.H., medicine.

Husband, J.B., medicine.

Hutchins, E.M., civil engineering.

Hutchinson, M., shoe business.

Hide, H.W., undecided.

Imlay, C.V., law.

Inches, H., undecided.

Irvin, J.S., medicine.

Iwaya, K., student.

Izard, F., teaching.

Jackson, A.L., law.

Jackson, D., teaching.

James, F.T., civil engineering.

James, G., civil engineering.

Jensen, W.B., law.

Johnson, H.E., teaching.

Johnson, R.M., railroading.

Jones, M.G., law.

Josephs, L.C., Jr., student.

Joy, C.R., teaching.

Kammerer, P.G., business.

Kaplan, J., Jr., law.

Kavinagh, W.E., chemistry.

Keefe, J.E., Jr., teaching.

Kelly, D.T., business.

Kemble, F.W., undecided.

Ketchum, C.H., business.

Kibby, S.V., teaching.

Kidder, A.V., student.

Kimball, R.F., undecided.

King, H.W., law.

King, W.H., Jr., law.

Kissel, W.T., undecided.

Kittredge, B.W., law.

Knoblauch, H.C., civil engineering.

Knowlton, D.J., medicine.

Kolster, F.A., electrical engineering.

Kurtz, W.F., business.

Kuttner, A.B., journalism.

Lane, H.W., agriculture.

Lane, M.J., business.

Langstaff, B.M., medicine.

Larned, E.C., undecided.

Lawton, W.J., mining engineering.

Lawrence, C., real estate brokerage.

Leighton, F.E., undecided.

Leland, D.R., brokerage.

Leonard, C.R., merchant.

Lewis, E.R., law.

Lewis, G.I., law.

Lincoln, C.E., manufacturing.

Lincoln, E.L., civil engineering.

Lippman, E.W., medicine.

Livesey, F., teaching.

Locke, A.L., teaching.

Lodge, J., civil engineering.

Loewenberg, J., student.

Long, L.O., teaching.

Lord, W.C., teaching.

Lorillard, G., undecided.

Loring, A.P., Jr., undecided.

Lovering, R.S., business.

Lowell, J., Jr., undecided.

Lowry, F.D., business.

Lurie, H.L., chemistry.

MacCormick, F.A., business.

Mack, R.T., law.

Mack, W.J., law.

Mackay, G.H., Jr., banking.

McCormack, H.A., banking.

McDonald, J.M.S., ministry.

McKay, G.A., engineering.

McLane, R., mining.

McMath, R.E., law.

McNeil, H.F., business.

McVickar, H.T., undecided.

Manning, J.T., Jr., law.

Marion, P.P., business.

Markoe, S.C., business.

Marks, D.L., law.

Marsh, J.B., law.

Mason, A.B., civil engineering.

Mattison, L.E., undecided.

Mayhew, Z., Jr., lumber business.

Maynard, H., Jr., banking.

Merwin, H.E., teaching.
