
1908 Class Day Officers

The complete list of 1908 Class Day and permanent officers and committees is as follows:

Secretary--Guy Emerson, Boston, Mass.

First Marshal--George Gill Ball, Boston, Mass.

Second Marshal--John Richard on,. Jr., Chestnut Hill, Mass.

Third Marshal--Gorden Goldwin Glass, Spokane, Wash.


Treasurer--Carlton Apollonio. Winchester, Mass.

Orator--Henry Robinson Shipherd, Cambridge, Mass.

Poet--John Hall Wheelock, Morristown, N.J.

Ivy. Orator--Kenneth Greeley Carpenter, St. Louis, Mo.

Odist--Joseph Biegler Husband, Rochester, N.Y.

Chorister--LeRoy Jackson Sayder, Kansas City, Mo.

Class Committee--Morton Lewis Newhall, Germantown, Pa.: Harold Vincent Amberg, Chicago, III.

Class Day Committee--John Wheel-wright Wendell. Jamaica Plain, Mass.: Dwight Stillman Brigham, Worcester, Mass.: Hugh Mack Gilmore, Saegertown, Pa.; Charles Reginald Leonard. West Newton, Mass.; Lawrence Paine Dodge, Newburyport, Mass.; James Scollay Whitney, Brookline, Mass.; Henderson Inches, Boston, Mass.

Photograph Committee--Marcus Boruch Whitney, San Francisco, Cal.: John Bigelow Marsh. Cambridge, Mass.; Hayden Channing, Sherborn, Mass.
