
Senior Spread in Memorial Tonight

The eleventh annual Senior Spread will be held in Memorial Hall this evening. Dancing will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and will continue until 1. Supper will be served continuously through out the evening. The music for the dancing will be furnished by Gott's orchestra of 40 pieces.

In order to avoid confusion the north door of the Hall will be used by those arriving in carriages and the south door by pedestrians. After 11 o'clock both doors will be open to those leaving in carriages. White checks will indicate that carriages may be found at the north entrance; blue checks, at the south entrance.

When leaving the Hall for the Delta after a dance, Seniors are reminded that there are two doors, for in past years Seniors and their friends have crowded their way out at the south door, leaving the north door empty.

Tickets may be bought at the door by Seniors for $2.50, and by others who received invitations for $3.

In case of rain the boxes will be arranged around the main hall and the tables in the east gallery and the transept.
