
Junior Class Day Ushers

All assistant head ushers are on duty in the Yard from 1.15 to 3, and from 10 to 11. The following head ushers are in charge of the squads: 2-4, Cable; 5-6, Groton; 6-7, Middlemass; 7-8, Wendell; 8-9, Wentworth; 9-10, Eggleston, Currier; 10-11, Rand.

Cable, Groton, Middlemass, and Wendell will report at Sanders at 9.50 A. M. Cable, Groton, Middlemass, Wendell, Wentworth, Eggleston, Currier, and Rand will report at Stadium at 3.05 P. M.

All ushers report at 9.15 A. M. at the Athletic Association office for badges and final instructions. Headquarters on Class Day will be at the east end of Harvard Hall between Harvard and Hollis Halls.

The following report at 10 A. M. to usher in Sanders: assistant head ushers: A. G. Cable, J. M. Groton, R. M. Middlemass, W. G. Wendell. Ushers: Anthony, Bills, Clark, Craft, Cutting, Esselen, Field, Frye, Harding, Hoffman, Howard, Jones, Lyon, Olmsted, Pearson, Porter, Richards, Rodgers, Rogers, Rowley, Sampson, Smyth, Suydam, Whitman.

Report at 1.45 at headquarters for Yard duty: Allen, Arrowsmith, Biddle, Cate, Cobb, Dexereux, Evarts, Forchheimer, Galatti, Goepper, Harwood, Lee, Pearson, Richardson, Waite.


Report at 3.15 in Stadium: Allen, Arrowsmith, Biddle, Briggs, Brooks, Cate, Clapp, Cobb, Cooper, Crandall, Crocker, Currie, Dana, Devereux, Dougherty, Evarts, Farquhar, Farwell, Forchheimer, deFritsch, Galatti, Garfield, Gilbert, Gilman, Gleason, Goepper, Good, Gray, Graydon, Green, Harding, Harrower, Harwood, Henry, Hoffman, Howes, Jones, Kennard, Knauth, Lee, Niemann, Niles, Osborne, Paine, Powel, Rackemann, Richardson, Simpkins, Swift Turner, Van Rensselaer, Vaughan, Ver Weibe, Waite, Warner, Whipple, White, Wilder, Willetts, Yeh.

Report at 5 at headquarters: Brooks, Crandall, Crocker, Dana, Dougherty, Field, Gilman, Gray, Green, Howes, Knauth, Paine, Pearson, Whipple, White.

Report at 6 at headquarters: Bills, Cutting, Esselen, Frye, Good, Lyon, Niemann, Olmsted, Porter, Richardson, Rodgers, Rogers, Sampson, Suydam, Ver Weibe.

Report at 7 at headquarters: Anthony, Clark, Cooper, Craft, Gilbert, Harrower, Howard, Powel, Rackemann, Rowley, Simpkins, Smyth, Warner, Whitman, Vaughan.

Report at 8 at headquarters: Clapp, currie, Farquhar, Farwell, deFritsch, Garfield, Gleason, Harding, Henry, Hoffman, Jones, Kennard, Swift, Wilder, Yeh.

Report at 9 at headquarters: Arrowsmith, Briggs, Cobb, Deane, Delafield, Evarts, Goepper, Graydon, Locke, Niles, Osborne, Schenck, Turner, Van Rensselaer, Willetts.

Report at 10 at headquarters: Allen, Biddle, Cate, Crocker, Dana, Devereux, Forchheimer, Galatti, Knauth, Harwood, Howes, Lee, Paine, Richardson, Waite
