A few tickets for the Class Day week concert of the Musical Clubs in Sanders Theatre tomorrow evening still remain, and are on sale at the Co-operative Society and at Thurston's, and in Boston at Herrick's. They may also be obtained at the entrance to the theatre after 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.
Following is the program for the concert: PART FIRST. "Bedouin Song," Arthur Foote '74 Glee Club. "College Medley," Arr. by Rice Banjo Club. "Polish Dance," Scharwenka Mandolin Club. "Medley," Arr. by Snyder '08 Glee Club. "Tickled to Death," Hunter Banjo Club. PART SECOND. "Hungarian Dance, No. 6," Brahms Mandolin Club. "De Sandman," Prothero Glee Club Quartet. "Sanctimonious Sambo Eph," Streeter Banjo Club. "Subway to Park Street Medley," Arr. by Rice Mandolin Club. "Fair Harvard," Gilman 1811 Glee Club.