
Appointments by the Corporation

At the last meeting of the Corporation on June 8, the following appointments were made for one year from September 1, 1908: W. J. Cunningham, lecturer on railroad operation; G. G. Wilson, Ph.D., lecturer on international law; W. Weitzel, J.U.D., lecturer on the German Civil Code; G. R. Clements, A.M., instructor in mathematics; W. J. Berry, S.M., instructor in mathematics; G. C. Cox, A.M., assistant in philosophy; J. S. Davis '08, assistant in economics; T. H. Jack, A.M., assistant in government; E. R. Lewis '08, assistant in economics; I. L. Sharfman '08, A.B., assistant in economics. The resignation of C. F. D. Belden L.'98, LL.B., Assistant Librarian of the Law School, was accepted to go into effect September 1. The John Tyndall Scholarship was awarded to J. M. Adams '03, A.M., '05, Ph.D. '07, and he was made assistant in physics, in place of C. L. B. Shuddemagen, resigned.
