

Baseball Team Plays on Soldiers Field at 3.--Hicks Will Pitch.

The University baseball team will play its second game with Holy Cross on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The first game, which took place at Worcester May 2, was very closely contested, and Holy Cross won by a 3 to 2 score. In that game Hicks faced Dowd, who did slightly better work than his opponent. The University team made six hits against eight for Holy Cross, but nevertheless batted hard most of the time.

Mansfield, who pitched against Harvard last year and was beaten both times, may be in the box today. He has had considerable success lately, while Dowd has been defeated on one or two occasions. It is undecided which pitcher will be used this afternoon.

Holy Cross has a very fast team this year, although its record is not wholly clean. Since the first Harvard game it has been defeated by the strong Vermont team, 1 to 0, and 6 to 5, has defeated Dartmouth three times, has won from Tufts, 3 to 1, and from Yale twice, 1 to 0. Wesleyan was beaten, 7 to 2, but Holy Cross with a substitute pitcher in the box lost to Trinity, and to Pennsylvania this week, 4 to 2, with Dowd pitching.

As a whole the team is steady, but with the exception of the first four batters is not a heavy hitting team. The infield is fast, but the outfield is not first class.

The Harvard team has been developing rapidly lately. It has demonstrated an ability to hit and to field, and a victory this afternoon should make the outlook for the Yale series very promising, as Yale and Holy Cross have shown themselves to be evenly matched. As it is the last game before the Yale series it is also one of the most critical. With Hicks in the box, the University team generally bats well, so a close game will be expected this afternoon.


The batting orders: HARVARD.  HOLY CROSS. Leonard, 3b.  l.f., Shay McCall, 2b.  2b., Cashen Harvey, c.f.  c., Larkin Aronson, r.f.  s.s., Barry Lanigan, l.f.  p., r.f., Mansfield Currier, c.  1b., Carney Simons, s.s.  r.f., p., Dowd Harding, 1b.  c.f., Stevens Hicks, p.  3b., O'Rourke
