

Two Universities Play Only Game on Soldiers Field Today at 3.30.

The University baseball team will play Cornell on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. As the first game with Cornell had to be cancelled on account of rain, the game today will be the only contest between the two teams. Hartford will be in the box for the University team and will be opposed by Gable, last year's substitute pitcher for Cornell. The Harvard line-up will be the same as on Saturday.

Last year Harvard lost to Cornell at Ithaca by a 1 to 0 score in ten innings, but at Cambridge the result was exactly reversed, when Harvard with Hartford pitching against Deshon won in the tenth, 1 to 0. Gable has developed into a very good pitcher with the coaching of Deshon, but nevertheless does not come up to the latter's standard. Three of last year's regular players are together again, Captain Heilman, shortstop; Ebeling, right field; and Reiber, second base. Watson, who played at first last year, is slightly off form, and Williams will probably play in that position. Fulton was substitute in last year's outfield and has been developed into a fast man. The rest of the team are mostly sophomores taken from last year's freshman team.

Although the Cornell team has played fast ball at times, and is capable of displaying great ability, it has not had a very satisfactory season, and does not appear to compare favorably with last year's team. An unsuccessful Southern trip was followed by a slight brace, when three games were won in succession, but since then Cornell has been defeated by Penn State, 4 to 2; by Princeton, 5 to 4; and by Pennsylvania, 11 to 5. In the latter game the team went to pieces, making ten errors, but in the Princeton game a two-run lead was maintained till the eighth, when Princeton won on a batting rally. Victories have recently been scored over Michigan, 3 to 2, in 16 innings, and over the strong Williams nine, 3 to 2.

With the University team batting and fielding in the form displayed in the last two games, Cornell will have a hard time to win.

The batting orders: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Leonard, 3b.  s.s., Heilman McCall, 2b.  3b., Matchneer Harvey, c.f.  r.f., Ebeling Aronson, r.f.  l.f., Caldwell Lanigan, l.f.  p., Gable Currier, c.  1b., Williams Simons, s.s.  c., Lally Harding, 1b,  2b., Reiber Hartford, p.  c.f., Fulton
