Picture of Class Officers Today.
The Senior Class Officers' picture will be taken at Tupper's today at 1 o'clock. Caps and gowns should be worn. 1908 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
Shaler Portrait Fund.
The Shaler Portrait Fund is now $807 in cash, $350 in promises. There is still $300 more needed, so those who can afford to give more liberally are urgently asked to help in pushing this project through. The committee and its assistants are endeavoring to see every member of the class, but, of course, some men cannot be easily reached. We appeal to such men to remember that this is a class gift and a memorial to our friend and we ask them to contribute at once as much as possible.
Contributions should be sent to C. V. Imlay, Box 82, Cambridge. THE SHALER PORTRAIT COMMITTEE.
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