
Another Victory for Golf Team

The University golf team defeated Andover at the Oakley Country Club yesterday afternoon by the score of 22 1-2 to 0. So far the team has won every match this season, having won from Wollaston 12 1-2 to 4, and defeated Woodland 10 1-2 to 4 1-2. The results of the individual matches were as follows: HARVARD.    ANDOVER. Wilder,  1 1/2  Gardner,  0 Morgan,  4 1/2  Decker,  0 Shaw,  7  Wilson, L. O.  0 Ingalls,  1 1/2  Weissbrod,  0 Sweeney,  2 1/2  Seeley,  0 Davis,  5 1/2  Wilson, S. S.  0 Totals,  22 1/2    0
