
Senior Class Notices

Posters Needed for Senior Picnic.

All members of the Senior class who possess artistic talent are urged to draw posters for the class picnic which will be held at the end of the month. The exact date will be announced later. As the posters will be sold after the picnic to help defray expenses, it is important that a large number be handed in. 1908 PICNIC COMMITTEE.

Class Lives Receivable Till June 1.

Seniors are again reminded that many class "lives" are still to be made out. Several men seemed to think that the time for receiving them was limited to April 18, but "lives" may be handed in now, so that all may be in by June 1. If blanks have been lost, new ones may be obtained by dropping a postal card to Holworthy 7, or to Box D, Cambridge.   G. EMERSON.

1908 and 1911 Class Pictures Monday.


The Senior and Freshman class pictures will be taken behind Memorial Hall at 1 and 1.30 o'clock, respectively, next Monday, weather permitting.

All Seniors should wear caps and gowns. Those who do not have 12 o'clock lectures are requested to come at 12.45 o'clock in order that some of the seating may be done then so that the picture can be taken promptly at 1 o'clock.

Freshmen should come at 1.30 sharp.   1908 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.

Picture of Class Officers Tomorrow.

The Senior Class Officers' picture will be taken at Tupper's tomorrow at 1 o'clock. Caps and gowns should be worn.   1908 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
