A mass meeting will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock in order to discuss the sanctioning of the plan for the new student council. It is essential that everyone who is interested in the athletic situation be present.
The following is quoted from the first two paragraphs of the constitution of the proposed student council:
"The purpose of this Council is thoroughly to co-operate with the Faculty in raising the general intellectual standard at Harvard as stated in the undergraduate petition to the Faculty dated April 29, 1908, to bring before governing bodies of the University expression of undergraduate opinions on subjects pertaining to the University, and to co-operate with the Athletic Committee in eradicating the specific evils in the conduct of athletics. The attainment of this purpose is to be effected in part by direct jurisdiction over individual students, the method of so doing to be explained hereinafter, and in part by creating the general sentiment that it is a question of individual and College honor to maintain a strict attention to scholastic duties.
"The Council is to be composed of not more than 21 members, selected as follows: (1) Four class presidents. (2) The Captain of the four major teams. N.B.-The captain of the football team and the presidents of the three upper classes whose terms of office expire during the College year shall continue as members of the Council. (3) Two members to be elected at large from each of the three classes. (4) Three representatives to be elected by the Council from the College at large, a three-quarter vote of the entire Council to be necessary for election."
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