This evening's mass meeting, although without the same dramatic attractions that draw enormous crowds to the Living Room of the Union during football season; is probably the most important affair of the kind that has been held in many years. The meeting has been called for an undergraduate ratification of the committee's proposed student council. It should be remembered that the plan was drawn up with the greatest care after consultation with prominent members of the Faculty and with the Athletic Committee, and that a committee of men who have been in closest touch with athletic affairs is responsible for the suggestion. It is not a harebrained jump in the dark, but a carefully thought out method of cutting at the roots of the kind of student negligence that has brought down upon us a crusade against intercollegiate athletics.
Every man must weigh carefully the evident advantages of such an organization, as a means of producing better understanding between Faculty and undergraduates, better unity among students, and as an aid to the Athletic Committee in making unnecessary the kind of curtailment to which we are all opposed. We must discuss and vote intelligently; but let no unfortunate demonstration come between us and the happy solution that appears to be in sight. The CRIMSON cannot urge too strongly the necessity of an unanimous expression in this matter and an attendance at the meeting that will leave no doubt of the students' interest in helping bring to a satisfactory close a situation that so closely affects their interests.
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