
Leiter Cup Baseball Scores

In the second round of the Leiter Cup baseball series yesterday, the Probation A. C. won from the Mugwumps, 17 to 11, the Prickly Heats defeated Stoughton, 19 to 3, and the Butterfingers won from the Cercle Francais by default. Monday Holyoke House defeated the Chicklets, 8 to 4.

Batteries--Probation A. C.: Withington, Sexton, Frye, and Suter; Mugwumps: O'Brien, Johnson, and Mahoney.

Batteries--Prickly Heats: Fish and Earle; Stoughton: King and Brinsmade.

A new diamond has been marked out on the field used for spring football practice, which will be ready for use after today. The games scheduled for today are the Squabs vs. Hammer-throwers, on the Freshman diamond, the Hush-buttons vs. the Mug-hunters, on the second team diamond, and the Follies of 1911 vs. the Benders, on the new diamond. Tomorrow the Prickly Heats will play the Butterfingers on the football diamond, and the Bush Leaguers will play Holyoke House on the new diamond. Friday's schedule is the Probation A. C. vs. the winner of the Squabs-Hammer-throwers game on the new diamond; and the winner of the Hush-buttons vs. Mug-hunters game vs. the winner of the Benders-Follies of 1911 game. All games begin at 4. The semi-final round of the series will be played Saturday.
