

For the series of recitals, the last of which will be held this evening, the University owes a debt of gratitude,--to Professor Spalding for his disinterested efforts in promoting the scheme, to the alumni whose generous contributions made the experiment possible, and to Mr. Whiting who appealed to record-breaking audiences and changed an experiment into an undisputed success: The object for which the series was instituted has been more than attained and many men have put in a pleasant evening and gained at the same time an intelligent appreciation of music, not in its lighter form, but in the full "dignity of the art." Judging by the size of the audiences, Mr. Whiting has succeeded in imparting an education in classical and modern music, to accompany what he has termed the more tangible and available arts, Painting, Sculpture, Literature and Architecture.

We thank Mr. Whiting and all who have assisted him for what has been done for us, and assure him of a hearty welcome when he returns another year.
