

University Team Plays in Stadium at 4.--H. A. A. Tickets Admit.

The University lacrosse team will play its first northern intercollegiate league game of the season with Cornell in the Stadium this afternoon, at 4 o'clock. H. A. A. tickets will admit, or tickets at 50 cents each may be obtained at the gate. In connection with the recent discussion of gate receipts, it is interesting to note that the management has distributed 2000 complimentary tickets.

The University team has been practicing regularly since the southern trip, on which they held the strong Johns Hopkins team to the score of 6 to 3, and defeated Annapolis, 7 to 1. Under the coaching of F. C. Blank, a hard and spirited attack and a consistent defense has been developed by the University team.

For the past two years Cornell has been intercollegiate champion of the northern lacrosse league and has this year in league games defeated Columbia, 12 to 3, and tied Hobart, 3 to 3. The line-up: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Sheip, g.  g., Thatcher Wellman, p.  l.h., Taylor Thompson, c.p.  o.h., Christensen Crandall, 1d.  1a., Walbridge Cochrane, Wentworth 2d.  2a., Schultheis Downer, 3d.  3a., Lucker Alexander, c.  c., Lombardo Currie, 3a.  3d., Henry R. P. Smith, Irvin, 2a.  2d., Devitt Furber, 1a.  1d., Boardman Cobb, o.h.  c.p., Clark Vance, i.h.  p., Cannon


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