

The newly organized Harvard Dramatic Club has possibilities far in excess of any similar organization of which the University has yet boasted. When we consider the success that has already attended the efforts of the club's president, the chances of producing something of real artistic merit seem almost limitless. Of late years the College has been overrun with musical comedies, some good, some bad; but all far too trivial, and none expressive of Harvard's real dramatic ability.

As far as the writing and acting go, the Dramatic Club is amply able to do credit to the University; but how about the rest of the production? The great success of the Architectural Department play, in which no professional talent was used, even in the painting of the scenery, shows the possibilities of an "all-Harvard production." Would it not be possible next year for the Dramatic Club to co-operate with the artists, the musicians and all who can lend a hand, in producing a play that will eclipse all previous records and be Harvard's in every detail?
