
Additions to Union Library

The following books have recently been added to the Union Library.

"The Atoning Life," by H. S. Nash '78.

"Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation," edited by W. T. Davis.

"The Breaking in of a Yachtsman's Wife," by M. H. Vorse

"Bulletin of the United States Department of Labor (vols. 1 and 6)."


"The Canterbury Puzzles," by H. E. Dudenay.

"Mr. Crewe's Career," by W. Churchill.

"Furze the Cruel," by J. Trevena.

"Government by the People," by R. H. Fuller '88.

"The Heart of Hamlet's Mystery," by K. Werder.

"Harvard Daily Echo (vols. 3-4, 1880-81)."

"Highways and Byways in Hampshire," by D. H. M. Read.

"History of Prose Fiction," (2 vols.), by J. C. Dunlop.

"Humanism," by F. C. S. Schiller.

"In Greece with the Classics," by W. A. Gardner '84.
