The committee of the English Department in charge of Miss Maude Adam's performances of "Twelfth Night" in Sanders Theatre, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 3 and 4, have made the following arrangements for the sale of tickets. Reserved seats at $1.50 each may be obtained by members of the University, in advance of the public sale, on application to Professor W. A. Neilson, 2 Riedesel avenue, Cambridge. Application blanks may be obtained at the Union and the Co-operative, and must be in not later than 6 o'clock, on Wednesday, May 27.
Students of the University will have the first choice of tickets for the Wednesday performance for the Thursday performance members of the Faculties and other officers of the University will have the preference. But applications from both students and officers of the University will be filled in advance of the public sale. The committee reserves the right to limit the number of tickets assigned to a single applicant.
Public sale of tickets will begin at 9 o'clock on the morning of Friday, may 29, at the University Bookstore. A limited number of admission tickets at $1 may be obtained at the Auditor's office, Memorial Hall, after 7 o'clock on the evening of each performance.
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