
The Pop Concert

Following is the program for the Pop Concert in Symphony Hall this evening: Fifth Tufts Night. 1.  March, "Ompskut,"  Keene 2.  Waltz, "Roses from the South,"  Strauss 3.  March, "Pax et Lux,"  F. E. Dow '09 4.  a. For Tufts Hurrah,  '87's Class Song b. Brown and Blue E. W. Newton '90 5.  Forward, Tufts!  L. R. Lewis '87 6.  Aren't you Glad You're a Tufts Man?  E. W. Newton '90   b. Keep Your Eye on Tufts,  L. C., Powers '05   c. Around the "Rez,"  M. N. Dustin '06 7.  Overture, "Rienzi,"  Wagner 8.  Old Favorites at Tufts.   a. Campus Song (Stein Song),  Bullard   b. "Dear Old Alma Mater,"  L. R. lewis '87 9.  Overture, "Orpheus"  Offenbach 10.  Selection, "The Yankee Consul,"  Robyn 11.  Waltz, "Estudiantina,"  Waldteufel 12.  March, "Stars and Stripes,"  Sousa
