At the annual meeting of the Randall Hall Association last night, four minor amendments to the constitution were passed, and the following officers were nominated:
President--H. K. Alden 2G., W. P. Dickey 3G., H. W. Hines '09.
Vice-president--O. L. M. H. Lyding '09, C. H. Wathins '09.
Secrtary-treasurer--S. F. Peavey, Jr., 2L.
Directors--A. B. Church 2L., H. M. Crabtree 1M., R. W. Pettengill 1G., F. E. Staebner '08, W. R. Bulter '09, C. C. Ransch '09, C. A. Whipple '09, J. W. Durgin '10, J. F. Gallagher '10, R. R. Hess '10, R. Hutton '10, H. A. Sexton '10, L. Vld '10, H. Brightoman '11, H. G. Doyle '11, W. Krumbeck '11, H. H. Spofford '11, and C. f. Whitmore '11.
Additional nominations may be made by petinon of ten members to the president before Friday night. The election of officers will be held during the regular meal hours next Monday, and the directors will be elected next Tuesday.
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