

Four Teams in Spring Practice to Line-up.--Kicking Contest Begun.

During the last week considerable progress was made in the spring football practice. Out of the 76 candidates who are now out, four teams have been made up, captained by G. G. Browne '10, F. Cutting '09, 11. Fish '10, and V. Kennard '09.

On the first two days of last week the men were put through elementary practice, tackling the dummy and learning to handle the ball, and Wednesday the first scrimmage of the spring practice was held. The teams lined up for short twelve minute periods, first one side being given the ball and then the other. More attention was paid to the individual work of the men, however, than to the team play. Thursday, on account of the rain, the teams were not lined up, but the men were shown how to handle the ball in wet weather. Friday the scrimmages were resumed and the teams given some hard work. After the regular practice, special attention has been given to the kicking candidates, among whom H. Gray '09, M. C. Peirce '10 and H. B. Sprague '11 have shown up well. The competition for proficiency in kicking, for which five cups have been offered, has begun and will continue until the middle of October.

Every attempt is being made to make the work interesting and this week there will be regular games between the teams. C. D. Daly '01, N. Hall '07, H. e. Kersburg '07, M. L. Newhall '08, B. Parker '08, W. Peirce '08, J. A. Snyder '06 and B. H. Squires '06 have been present at practice during the last week and have assisted Coach Haughton and Captain Burr in the coaching.
