Tickets for the public performances of "The Title Seekers," the Pi Eta Society's play for this year, may be obtained by application to C. E. Nichols, Post Office Box 104, Cambridge. The first performance will be given in the afternoon on Monday, April 20, in Jordan Hall, Boston. Tickets for this performance will be on sale at Herrick's after next Tuesday. Tickets for the Springfield performance, to be given in the Court Square Theatre, on Wednesday, April 22, may be obtained in Cambridge until tomorrow; after tomorrow in Springfield. On Saturday, April 18, tickets for the performances on Tuesday, April 28, and Friday, May 1, in the Pi Eta Theatre, Cambridge, will go on sale at the University Book Store.
A West Newton performance will be given in Players' Hall, West Newton, on Wednesday, April 29. The price of tickets for the Cambridge and West Newton performances is $1.50; for all other performances $1 and $1.50.