
Dr. Tenney to Return to China

Charles D. Tenney, A.M., LL.D., Lecturer to the University this year on Chinese History, has been appointed Chinese Secretary to the American Legation at Pekin and will start of China about May 1 to enter on the duties of his office.

Dr. Tenney was invited to deliver the lectures on "The History of China" in Professor Coolidge's course on "Studies in the Expansion of Europe since 1815," noted in the Catalogue as History 18b, and has fulfilled his position with marked success. A long acquaintance with the country and familiarity with its institutions and language, as well as an active participation in some of its latest and most important crises, enabled Dr. Tenney to present a graphic and accurate idea of China and her position in the Far East.

Dr. Tenney has been in the service of the Chinese government for some twenty-five years, having been tutor in the family of Li Hung Chang, as well as secretary for the Chinese ministers in the international complications following the Boxer uprising. Later he was Chinese secretary for the International Commission. Since 1906, Dr. Tenney has been in charge of the Chinese students in this country. Last year be directed the successful Chinese entertainment in the Union for the benefit of the famine-sufferers. His successor as director of American students is as yet undecided.


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