Now that the Harvard Dining Association is prosperously launched on its new plan we wish to offer a suggestion to the new committee of representatives, whose duty will be to bring the members of the hall into closer touch with the directors, and increase if possible the attractiveness of the present system. They by laws contain a provision that "no tobacco shall be used on the premises." We have found one of the chief objections to the hall in this useless provision. The old maxim of "After breakfast walk a mile, after dinner rest a while," can scarcely be observed, when it is necessary to walk a quarter of a mile or more before enjoying a quiet after-dinner smoke. Members of the Yale Dining Association are allowed to smoke at will in the hall, in which the air, despite the fact, remains clear and fresh. Certainly it is not necessary for the attractiveness and prosperity of our hall to be impaired by any antediluvian prejudices. If the Corporation would avoid the necessity of a guaranteed, let them amend this damaging by-law.
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