

To Be Resumed This year.--Entries Open Today,--List of Regulations.

The Leiter Cup baseball series, which was not held last year because of lack of space, will be resumed this year, although the space is still very limited. Work has been begun upon a new diamond just west of the stands on Soldiers Field, and this, with the addition of the second nine and Freshman diamonds during the absence of those teams, will be used for the series. Owing to the congestion a round robin contest will be impossible, and instead the series will be run in the nature of an elimination tournament. At the end of the series an all-Leiter Cup team will be organized to play the second nine. The games will probably be played at 3 o'clock on Saturdays and at 4 o'clock on other days.

Entries may be made today and until Tuesday at 6 o'clock, in blue-books at Leavitt & Peirce's. The name of the team, the captain, and the names of at least twelve bona fide players must be given. No man may play on more than one team in the season. Men who sign individually will be assigned to a team by the manager.

The rules of the series follow:

Rule 1. No team may have more than three men who received their class numerals in baseball in the Freshman year, the University or second team letters, or letters from other colleges, and of these not more than one man who has received his University or College letter.

Rule II. If a complete nine from the regular list of a team does not appear within 15 minutes of the scheduled time, it shall forfeit the game.


Rule III. The captains of the competing nines shall choose the umpire.

Rule IV. Two balls, two masks and a chest protector will be provided by the University management for each game. One ball may be obtained by each captain at the office of the Athletic Association in the Union, before noon on the morning of the game. The masks and chest protectors may be obtained from the Janitor of the Locker Building, by signing a receipt, and must be returned immediately after the game. In case of default, the captains are expected to return the balls to the athletic office.

Rule V. The games shall be played under the national league rules of this year.

Rule VI. The captain of the winning team shall leave the score in the box at the CRIMSON office before 7 o'clock on the evening of the game, with the names of the players of both nines; otherwise the results will not be counted.

Rule VII. All protests must be left at the CRIMSON office before 9 o'clock on the evening of the game in which they arise; otherwise they will not count.

F. P. Farquhar '09 has been appointed manager of the series.
