The time for discussion has passed. If intercollegiate contests during the winter months are to be saved, and the major schedules to be relieved of the danger of curtailment, final action must be taken now. Such action must be directed, as the, CRIMSON has constantly maintained, not to the Athletic Committee, but to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. By postponing its decision on the question of winter sports in order that a petition may be presented to the Faculty, the Athletic Committee acknowledges the superior power of the governing board. Read over the petition with great care, therefore, and be prepared to do your share in solving the greatest problem that has confronted Harvard undergraduates in many, many years. Go to the CRIMSON office and add your name to the list; but remember that in so doing you are pledging yourself to do your share in upholding the undergraduate crusade against the distraction caused by athletics. Unless the matter is taken in serious earnest our efforts will go for naught. We believe that we have the best remedy for the abuses to which the Faculty objects; but if the spirit in which it is undertaken is offensive, the Faculty will adhere to what it believes to be a remedy--extensive curtailment. Or if the future shows that the undergraduates are not in earnest, the Faculty may at any time return to the restrictive policy.
And lastly, attend your class meeting! Sane and dignified discussion will there be in order, and another opportunity will be presented to sign the monster petition.
The crucial moment has arrived. Let us meet the situation quietly, but united as never before.
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